

Carbon monoxide – a deadly danger on quiet feet!

Press conference on the topic

Carbon monoxide (CO) – a deadly danger on quiet feet! On average, around 200 cases of carbon monoxide-poisoning occur in Austria each year.

Information as of November 08th, 2023

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Günther Schwabegger

BVS – Brandverhütungsstelle für Oö., Press Spokesperson

Dr. Armin Kaltenegger

KFV (Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit), Head of Property Protection

Depending on the concentration in the room air, carbon monoxide-poisoning can lead to considerable discomfort, unconsciousness and massive long-term health consequences, including death.

BVS – Brandverhütungsstelle für Oö. and KFV – Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit clarify the most important issues concerning this topic at a press conference this morning. The experts present important prevention tips to obviate the danger and talk about safety and behavioral advices in the event of an emergency.

If you need further detailed information about the press conference, please do not hesitate to contact our press team:

Photos: BVS; free of charge for further use