Inspection of technical fire protection systemsAs regular testing is the only way to ensure functional reliability

Planning, approval and inspection
Fire protection systems are an essential element of modern safety provisions in buildings. They detect fires and reduce their impact in order to protect both people and material assets.
We provide
- Project support during the planning phase
- Approval inspections and verification of legal compliance, including reports for submission to authorities and insurance companies
- Regular inspections during the systems’ service life, including reports
We will carry out the acceptance tests and inspections for
- Fire detection systems
- Fire control systems
- Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems
- Foam and water extinguishing systems
- Fixed water extinguishing systems
- Gas extinguishing systems
- Spark extinguishing systems
- Oxygen reduction systems

Austrian Technical Guidelines for Preventative Fire Protection (TRVB)
The TRVBs have been devised by the Austrian Federal Association of Fire Departments, in conjunction with the fire prevention bodies.